Sunday 15 January 2017


In today’s world every manufacturing industries wants high accuracy products in less time. And this complexity of high accuracy in minimum time can be achieved by use of NC and CNC machine. Here we will discuss about the basic differences between them.

Difference Between NC and CNC machine

The various difference between NC and CNC machine  in tabular form are as follows:
NC Machine
CNC Machine
Here NC stands for Numerical Control
CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control.
It is defined as the machine which is controlled by the set of instructions in the form of numbers, letters and symbols. The set of instructions is called as program.
It is defined as the machine which is used to control the motions of the workpiece and tool with the help of prepared program in computer. The program is written in alphanumeric data.
In NC machine the programs are fed into the punch cards.
In CNC machine the programs are fed directly into the computer by a small key board similar to our traditional keyboard.
Modification in the program is difficult.
Modification in the program is very easy.
High skilled operator is required.
Less skilled operator is required.
Cost of the machine is less.
Cost of the CNC machine is high.
Maintenance cost is less
Maintenance cost is high.
The programs in the NC machine cannot be stored.
In CNC machines, the programs can be stored in the computer and can be used again and again.
It offers less flexibility and computational capability.
It offers additional flexibility and computational capability.
 The accuracy is less as compared with the CNC.
It has high accuracy.
It requires more time for the execution of the job.
It takes very less time in the execution of the job.
It is not possible to run it continuously.
It can be run continuously for 24 hours of a day.

Comparison Between NC and CNC Machine

The comparison of NC and CNC machine are:
  • NC stands for Numerical Control whereas CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control.
  • In NC Machine the programs are fed into the punch cards. But in CNC machine the programs are fed directly into the computer with the help of a small keyboard similar to our traditional keyboard.
  • In NC machine if and error occurs in the program than its debugging and modification is not easy. In CNC machine the debugging and modification is very easy.
  • High skilled operator is required to operate the NC machine whereas to operate a CNC machine, a semiskilled operator may work.
  • The cost of the NC machine is less as compared with the computer control machines.
  • The maintenance cost of NC is less whereas it is costly in the case of CNC machine.
  • No programs can be stored in the NC machine. In CNC machine, numbers of programs can be stored and can be used again and again for the production.
  • The accuracy of the NC is less as compared with the CNC.
  • In NC machine the execution of the job takes more time but the CNC machine executes the job without taking much time.
  • NC cannot be run continuously for 24 hours but CNC machine can be run for 24 hours continuously.


  1. To learn the CNC machining have many kind way,you can see many books like how to learn the G code,how to operation the CNC machines,etc. the best way it is in real operate a CNC Milling or Lathe.

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