Sunday 26 November 2017


Manufacturing and Production are often used as same terms but there is a big difference between them.We make no attempt to question why there are some manufacturing units while there are also production units. Why is it called milk production and manufacturing of automobile parts and why is it not milk manufacturing and production of automobile parts? Is there any difference between the two words or are the differences cosmetic and related with usage only? Let us take a closer look.

Manufacturing is the process of transforming raw materials into ready goods, with the help of machinery. On the other hand, production alludes to the processes or methods, that converts inputs like raw material or semi finished goods, to make finished product or services, which may or may not use machinery.


Manufacturing is a process of using machines and manual labor to make goods that are sold to end consumers. Manufacturing is a generic word as it is used for very small scale companies making bakery goods though it is also used for a manufacturing unit making Boeing aircrafts. Paints are always manufactured and units making chemicals are also called manufacturing units.
Making use of raw materials to transform it onto a finished product is termed as production. When something tangible is taken as raw material and transformed to turn it into a finished good, the process is termed as production.Steel is produced and not manufactured which is because of the fact that steel production involves making use of iron as a raw material and then transforming it into the finished good called steel.


Nowadays the creation of the product is very difficult. Input has to pass from many levels and hands to become the output. Moreover, the coordination of men, money, material and machine is also necessary. In manufacturing, the involvement of machines and raw material should be there. On the other hand, production is just a creation of utility, i.e. anything produced or transformed that adds utility to the consumer is known as production. In this way, it has no relation to raw material and machines.

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