Friday 16 June 2017


  1. Earthing means connecting the dead part(the one which does not carry current under normal condition) to the earth(ground). For example electrical equipment frames etc.
  2. Under fault condition these parts may attain high potential w.r.t earth(ground) so any living being touching these parts will be subjected to potential difference which may result in flow of current of such a value which may prove to be fatal.
So earthing is to ensure safety or protection of electrical equipment and living being by discharging electrical energy to earth (ground).
  1. Grounding means connecting the live part(the one which carry current under normal condition) to the earth (ground) for example neutral of transformer, 3- ph star connection etc.
  2. Grounding is done for protection of power system equipment and to provide a effective return path from the machine to the power source.
  3. During lightening dangerous high voltage can develop in the electrical distribution system wires. Grounding provides a safe return path around the electrical system of your house thus minimizing damage from such occurrences.
Earthing and grounding has a micro difference . So in layman's term we use grounding(earthing) as a common term for both.
Earthing is more common word in commonwealth countries whereas grounding is the word used in North American standards.

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