Tuesday 20 June 2017


If you are parking your motorbike in isolated area without any parking facility and there is nobody around to keep watch or just to look after your ride, you will be worried sick about safety of your precious vehicle. as we all know, handle lock of bikes are not so reliable when a expert lays an eye on it.And thieves are expert in starting the bikes without help of any authentic key.

In such scenario, you can rely on a simplest trick to save yourself from trouble of stolen motor cycle.
Just remove the cap connecting to Spark plug of the engine or just loosen the cap (do not remove completely) to disconnect the power supply towards spark plug.
With this connection severed, there is no way somebody would drive away your motorbike without going through trouble of getting caught.
In general, if the bike doesn’t start, unsuspecting people don’t look for problem in spark plug. That’s where you will have advantage and person with ill intentions would leave your precious ride alone.
Note:This hack might not save your from police officials towing away your vehicle :P

1 comment:

  1. Might not work since a guy who can steal petrol will surely know about this=P
