Friday 8 December 2017


1.)CONDENSATION – The change of state of a substance from the gaseous to the liquid form.

2.)CONDENSING – The process of giving up latent heat of vapourization in order to liquefy a vapour.

3.)CONDUCTION – Transfer of heat from one part of a material to another or to a material with which it is in contact.

4.)CONDUCTIVITY – The relative value of a material, as compared with a standard, in affording a passage through itself or over its surface for heat.

5.)CONSTANT VOLUME PROCESS– is one wherein a gas is heated (or cooled) in a fixed enclosed space (no change in volume occupied by the gas). There will be no workdone by the gas. The whole heat supplied will be stored in the form of internal energy.

6.)EQUIVALENT EVAPORATION – Amount of water in kg. that would be evaporated from water at 100°C into steam at 100°C and 1.03 kscm, by the heat put into steam actually evaporated in one hour by 1 kg of fuel.

7.)EXTRINSIC PROPERTIES– Also called extensive properties, are those properties which are dependent on the mass of the system. Examples are volume, weight and total energy.

8.)FACTOR OF EVAPORATION – A quantity which when multiplied by the amount of steam generated at a given pressure from water at a given temperature, gives the equivalent evaporation from and at 100°C.

9.)FREE EXPANSION– is a process wherein a fluid from a pressure chamber expands into a vacuum chamber through an orifice of large dimensions.

10.)FREE EXPANSION– is a process wherein a fluid from a pressure chamber expands into a vacuum chamber through an orifice of large dimensions.

1 comment:

  1. Sir ,could you please explain about intrinsic and extrinsic properties with some examples
