Friday 28 July 2017


These are the skills a good mechanical engineer should possess.|
1. Excellent Designing skill. One should be able to design a mechanical system perfectly, beautifully and with high stability. Eg, say design chassis for car?

2. Ok, now not only Designing, one must have Good Analytical Skill
He must know how to analyze each component in a mechanical system, like to detect flaws, solve problems etc. How to do cost-benefit analysis? How to Qualitative analysis and Quantitative analysis!

3. After analysis? What? OPTIMIZATION.! 
Yes, ofcourse optimization is required anyhwere to make a system work with more efficacy. SO, he must be optimistic and optimize the system!

3. Should be good in softwares like AutoCAD, SOLIDWORKS, CATIA, ANSYS, LOTUS etc. Yes, all the softwares.

4. Thorough with Basics of everything of your Engineering Field.. Yes, actually fundamentals are very tough because many took it as it is to mind without even thinking about it. (esp subjects like, Automobile, Thermodynamics, Fluid dynamics and mechanics, Material Science, Metallurgy, Structural Engineering, etc)
Without understand fundamentals, we study something tough/higher level,and we call these fundamentals as ‘basics’, which is not supposed to be called. THis is very important, will yield better understanding, or you may even become a scientist ?!
5. Good problem solving skills and decision making skills. Where ever one goes, one has to take good decisions and solve problems, esp in a company. It should distrupt others very less, and should be of more efficacy.
So this is essential. To develop this, |
-> Prepare for Aptitude (Verbal, Reading, Quants, Data interpreations & Logical reasoning )
By preparing this aptitude, you acquire good skills intuitively. This will also help you in cracking interviews, but ultimate purpose is to find a person who is good with these skills.|
So, before starting, know why! and then prepare.! This will drive you like anything!

6. These days every system is integrated. Say, mechanical is automated. So,
Skills like,
a) Coding skill (C/C/++)
b) Embedded systems,
c) Mechatronics, are essential.
If possible, build your skill by availing more knowledge on basic Embedded coding like Arudino, PIC controllers and learn to build any small system like Line follower robots, or any mini project based on that. This is essential
7. Good Negotiation skill.
8. Good marketing and advertising Skill.
9. Fundamentals Project Management must be known for all engineers, obvious for mechanical engineers too. Making reports, charts like Gantt etc, are important.
10. Learn to sell yourself. If you can sell yourself, you can sell anything. Mechanical engineers should posses high Intergrity and confidence.

This is important as mechanical engineers will be working with engineers of all other domains. Develop good ethics . Good communication skill is required. Good English. Overall, develop your personality.