Wednesday 21 September 2016


How To Search For A Job After B.Tech:-

It sounds absolutely difficult and hard right? But I have some sincere tips for the student looking for jobs. First of all, I m totally not in favor of wasting time just not knowing what to do after completing studies? I feel students need to immediately set their mind on certain things and move on within a month or so after completing studies. I believe these tips are equally helpful for not only B.Techs but any other degree holder too.

Here are the tips for the students looking for jobs:-

1.)The first thing is to move to a metro city with a single aim of hunting for a job. Just don’t waste your time there. There are hundreds of students go there and probably few of your friends are there. Join them for accommodation and start hunting from day one.

2.)Second thing there are hundreds of website offering job search and hunt help. Register in almost all of them. Complete the registration and track the recruitments. Don’t miss LinkedIn profiles, make connections there and hunt for HRs and mail them asking for jobs.

3.)Third thing is to find consultants who can arrange an interview for you with the companies. Don’t pay then in advance, tell them that you are a poor student will pay after your get the job. They have gone professionals and these days many companies use their services for recruiting employees.

4.)Fourth, don’t miss any news papers job special, like Times Ascent and The Hindu’s.Pick out the companies you want to attend interview and definitely go for tests and interviews.

5.)Fifth, figure out who among your friend and seniors are industry working in your domain. Don’t think that how do they feel when you call them after such a long time and only when you are in need. Just give a call and ask for some time for tea or a coffee. Visit their room and take recommendations and ask for referrals. Don’t disappoint if they are not very helpful, everyone have their own reservations.

6.)Fifth, figure out who among your friend and seniors are industry working in your domain. Don’t think that how do they feel when you call them after such a long time and only when you are in need. Just give a call and ask for some time for tea or a coffee. Visit their room and take recommendations and ask for referrals. Don’t disappoint if they are not very helpful, everyone have their own reservations.

To end, the idea is that everyone who is recruiting should have your CV in hand, and know you are looking for a job. Don’t waste your time and don’t get into bad habits.

Wish you all a great luck and future ahead.

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